Welcome to Joshua Tree National Park!!!
Located in California, Joshua Tree National Park is a desert park. Consisting of 800,000 acres, two deserts come together to form this park, the Colorado Desert and the Mojave Desert. Elevation is what sets these two deserts apart.

The Colorado Desert is on the eastern part, which has an elevation of below 3,000 feet, consumed by mostly the creosote bush.
The Mojave Desert, located on the western half of the park, is the home of the Joshua Tree.

There are many things to do at Joshua Tree National Park, whether you are planning just to spend a couple hours, or a whole day there.
There are Natural Trails that you can guide yourselves on.
There are:
Hiking trails
Horseback Riding
Ranger Program
Mountain Biking
Camping (9 camp grounds)
Backcountry camping
Go to Keys View, Black Rock Canyon, Skull Rock, Indian Cove, Cottonwood Spring, and Covington Flats.

The desert may look like there is no life to it, but that’s not the case.
Living here at Joshua Tree are:
Big Horn Sheep
Kangaroo Rats
Black-tailed Jack Rabbits
Kit Fox
And more.
Cacti, Fan Palm Oases, and crypto biotic crusts, are some of the plants that grow in this area.
I hope you enjoyed learning about Joshua Tree National Park!!
Come Visit Soon!!!