Welcome to Mammoth Cave National Park!!!
Located in Kentucky, 37 degrees North latitude and 86 degrees West longitude is a national park that has a lot of activities that are enjoyable for all. The main attraction of this national park is the Mammoth Cave. It is the longest known cave on the planet. If the second and third longest caves were combined, there would still be nearly 100 miles left over. Of the Mammoth cave there are 350 miles of passageway mapped and surveyed and an elevation change of 300 feet.

Activities you are able to do while you are visiting:
Bike Riding
Sight Seeing
Horseback Riding
and Cave Tours.
The cave tours are varied depending of your level of comfort. There are tours for those who enjoy just looking and moderate walks; to those who enjoy spending a whole day crawling through the cave and seeing what is in its depths.

One of the most challenging cave tours is The Wild Tour. The Wild Tour has a huge emphasis on:
Safe Caving Techniques
Environmental Concerns
Cave Exploration (through the past and the present)
And Team Building.
Some land marks you are guided to see are:
The Carmichael Entrance
Cleveland Avenue
Split Rock
The Snow Ball Room (where there is food available)
Boone Avenue
And The Travertine Tour Route
There are so many physical challenges to cope with when you take The Wild Tour:
Free Climbing on Cave Walls
Lengthy Crawls through Areas as Tight as 9 inches High
Walking in a Crouched Position
Hand and Knee Crawls Over Jagged Rocks and Dirt
Crawling Through Wet Areas
Twisting Into and Out of Tight Crawlway Openings

There are also some rare and unusual animals that you can find a Mammoth Cave National Park. These animals adapted to the absolute blackness and isolation of the cave, such as:
Blind Fish
Cave Crayfish
Colorless Spiders
These are slimy salamander types.
Zigzag salamander
These are just some birds that fly around this area.
Bald Eagle
These are just some interesting mammals of the many that are found at Mammoth Cave.
Flying squirrels
Wood rats
River otter

Flying Squirel
Even if you don’t like cave tours and are not into camping, hunting, and boating; there is always the option of exploring the beautiful woodlands of Kentucky. You can explore the remains of the great old growth forest, which once covered most of Kentucky.
I hope you enjoyed Mammoth Cave National Park and are dying to go!!!