Beautiful views of the layout
Location: North
Visitors per year: app. 3-4 million
Date established:
Origin of name: The park was named teton form the french word tétons, because of a french explorer's view of it.
Main attractions: The world renown Grand Teton National Park has a breathtaking view that includes pristine lakes, majestic mountains, and extraordinary wildlife.Cunningham Cabin and Lake Solitude are two of the most highlighted attractions.
Terrain: Mountainous, canyons, lakes, and river valley

*To truly witness the park a popular activity is backpacking.
*The Teton Crest is one of the best ways to get a taste of all the flavors the park has to offer. It is said to be one of the most outstanding hikes of your lifetime!
*The trail runs north from the park's southern border through the high country of the Tetons for 39 miles, ending at

The Snake River-
*The Snake is a very complex river to float.
Facts to remember-
Teton Range - An active fault-block mountain front, 40 miles long (65 km), 7-9 miles wide (11-14.5 km).
Highest peak -
Jackson Hole - Mountain valley, 55 miles long (89 km), 13 miles wide (21 km), average elevation 6,800 feet (2073 m). Lowest elevation at south park boundary, 6350 feet (1936 m).
Climate - Semi-arid mountain climate. Extreme high: 93 degrees F (34 degrees C). Extreme low: -46 degrees F (-43 degrees C).
Average snowfall - 191 inches (490 cm). Avg. rainfall: 10 inches (26 cm).
Snake River - Headwaters of the Columbia River system, 1056 miles long. Approximately 50 miles lie within Grand Teton NP. Major tributaries: Pacific Creek,