- latitude: approx. 37.18 degrees N
- longitude: approx. 86.15 degrees W
- Main attraction: The Mammoth Cave itself
- The longest known cave consisting of 350 miles of passage way mapped.
- If the second and third longest were combined, there would still be nearly 100 miles left over.
- Activities: Boating, canoing, camping, hiking, bikeriding, sight-seeing, fishing, hunting, and horseback riding.
- Cave Tours: You can choose a quick tour or an all day tour.
The Wild Tour - physical challenges: free climbing cave walls, lengthy CRAWLS through areas as tight at 9 in. high, walking in a CROUCHED position, HAND AND KNEE CRAWLS over jagged rocks and dirt, crawling THROUGH WET AREAS and twisting into and out of tight crawlway openings 42 in. wide.